Family photos

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The funny fam :)

Hailey has been getting more and MORE into makeup. We had a hayday the other night getting her loaded up on it! If you look closely, you can see one blue eyeshadow, one green, and of course, the big cat eye - eyeliner. She had fun, and enjoyed taking self-portraits... this is one of them.
We took the kids to the Draper temple open-house last week. Here's Dave & Jenna on the bus over there.
Here's Derek... I LOVE this picture. He was SOOOOO excited to go to the temple, and when he found out he got to take a bus up there, he was even MORE excited! He would see pictures in there and keep saying - "Look Mom, it's Jesus", and "Look Mom, Jesus again" and so on... It was really fun to take the kids there. I wish I had a picture of all of us, but it didn't work out...

Jenna has started eating solids. She had been doing great w/ cereal, so I decided to try her out on some veggies. As you can see from her look - she is not quite so into green beans. I've tried several times w/ her, but she just stores them up in her mouth, and then lets them drip out of her mouth. Sweet Potatoes however, she loves!! Yay, for our big girl!


Tracie said...

What a great thing to see the temple! Great pics! I must say that I am not a big fun of mashed green beans either!

Amber said...

That picture of Derek is classic! Love it! Jenna is such a big girl and so dang cute!

Mel said...

My kids only liked the orange ones, besides all the fruits. They hated all the green ones. I would too they are so nasty!! Her face is classic!


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