Family photos

Monday, April 14, 2008

Doesn't this always happen????

This past weekend, our family had planned to go to Colorado for my niece's baptism. However, Friday morning Derek had a fever - which only got worse as the day progressed. He wouldn't move around, just lay on the couch. He was feeling pretty bad - wouldn't eat, hardly drink. So - I took him in to the doctor, and it turned out he had strep throat. UGH! So - to match my post title - isn't this what always happens when you make plans to do something - someone gets sick? So - instead of spending our weekend with my family (who were all going to CO also), we stayed here, letting Derek recover. Fortunately, now he is no longer contagious, and is feeling better. Poor guy, as soon as his fever was gone he asked if we still got to go to Auntie Mel's house (my sister's). I had to explain that we missed the boat on this trip. He was rather disappointed. <>

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