Family photos

Monday, January 21, 2008

January moments...

Derek has enjoyed doing lots of arts and crafts. Watercolors were a hit until he started flicking the paint off the brush at me :(. We had to end the project after that.
Hailey & Derek LOVE their trampoline that they got for Christmas. Too bad it's FREEZING cold. Hopefully spring will be here soon enough.
Derek being his happy self!
So, generally speaking, I don't really like Mandy (our dog) too much. She goes to the bathroom in the house, and chews things. However, she just got groomed, and they gave her this little bandana. It's hillarious, she rolls around and over and over trying to get it off. I'm glad to be entertained by this dog, since I usually just get irritated with her.
January has been a month filled with getting things back in order, and getting the routine going again. School is back, and Derek is busy as usual. I love being able to stay at home with the kids. They can be challenging, but I love those smiles that just melt your heart. It's going to be a great year!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Yeah can spring come already? I am so sick of snow and cold. Derek is such a cutie. I am impressed you let him even attempt watercolor!! You are a good mom!


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