Family photos

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Parades, Parties, Pumpkins & more!

Once again blogger has reversed my picture order... but we'll go backwards :)
Derek raked in the loot on Halloween last night! He braved the rain showers along w/ Dave & my dad to hit up lots of houses in the neighborhood.
Here is Hailey at her school parade... it's pretty funny how quickly the kids race through the line!
Jenna-Boo! Doesn't she look extra spooky in her Halloween outfit!?
Derek has been LOVING having his Grandma & Grandpa here!

Jenna in her FIERY chili-pepper costume

Derek arriving back w/ his Halloween treats :)

Hailey and her self-portrait w/ her pumpkin :)

Dave trying to do a miracle number on his -- sadly it broke off partly when he tried to take the pieces out... dang!
Us working hard over our pumpkins!
Derek scooping his "GUTS" out of his pumpkin -- he really didn't like it, but I refused to do it for him... I don't like scooping the guts!

Preschool Parade! The kids walked around the block, and loved every minute of it!
Doesn't Derek make a darling army man (even w/o his hat!?)
The kids decorated cookies at their party - can you imagine the amount of double dipping/licking was going on here?? They loved it!
It was a fun HALLOWEEN! We had fun w/ all the usual activities & celebrations! It really is a fun holiday to see the excitement - especially in little children! :)


Josh and Nat said...

Tell your mom and dad hello! Looks like you guys had fun!!! Your 3 look cute... and Derek looks like he got the LOOT!

Amber said...

I LOVE Jenna's is so dang cute! It looks like you are having a great time with your family.


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