Family photos

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


So today was the much anticipated first day of Preschool! Derek has been so so so excited for it to begin! Every day he's been telling us that he's "excited for preschool". Cambrie came over this morning before school because Amber was getting induced - yay baby! Derek & Cambrie were so cute getting ready for school, and walking over with their "big-kid" backpacks.
Here's Derek -- doesn't he look SO big!?
Both of the happy kids!
Showing off his first day of goodies -- his "ABC" hat, and his Alligator -- A was the letter of the day. I'm happy for Derek to be in preschool, and am even more thrilled that he loves it so much-- Hooray!

1 comment:

Sharonda and Zaron said...

Totally cute!! I can't believe that Derek is so grown up. How nice for you to have a couple quiet hours alone with Jenna. Hopefully, she will cooperate with the quiet part; I'm sure she's an angel.

P.S. I have never had a cougar tail, but Kevin kept talking about them before the game and how delicious they are. So, we were all looking to forward to trying them. I guess we'll have to try them next time, they were all sold out by the time we went to buy some. What a bummer!! How do you run out of cougar tails at a cougar football game? Oh well!!


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