Family photos

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Creek!

Today was HOT!! So, Derek and I went over to this fun little creek that's over in Cedar Hills by my sister's house. It's really shallow, but perfect for little people to float down. We had a great system - Michele (my sis) was launching the kids up river, and Jenny (SIL) & I were catching kids down stream. They LOVED it! It was so fun. The water, however, was COLD! It took about 6 or 7 minutes to adjust to having my feet in the water before the numbness took over & the pain passed.... seriously!

This is so classic of Derek - whenever water sports are involved, he's found laying out on blankets or towels!
Derek's first float down the river. Cute!
Jon-Jon - working the shades! He had fun
I wish I'd have gotten more pictures of Michele's kids, but they were doing the long float - from further up to further down stream. It's a great little place. I'll be sure to hit it up a few more times before the summer passes. It's a total hit with the kids.

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